Wellness in Retirement: The Benefits of Social Wellness for Retirees

Social isolation makes people more susceptible to illness and death.1 While retirement is a time for relaxation and enjoyment from a lifetime of work, it may lead to a lack of purpose if you have depended on work for social activities and interaction. In retirement, it is sometimes necessary to create new social connections and a new social network, especially if you relied on work for your socialization. Here are some benefits that social wellness may bring to your retirement.

Improved Longevity

Social connections stimulate you both mentally and physically. On top of that, your social connections provide you with a support system that helps you through the stress of daily life. When you have friends and support, you may be more fulfilled and encouraged to lead a healthier life. You are more likely to stay on top of appointments and focus on maintaining your health.1

Greater Emotional Health

Belonging to a social group may help you maintain higher self-worth and may make you feel more valued. If you develop social groups that share the same interests and hobbies, you may get more out of those relationships and feel more emotionally secure. You may feel appreciated in the group, which may give you a new sense of accomplishment.2

Improved Cognition

Cognitive function declines as one ages, and when you are not doing things to keep mentally sharp, this decline may occur even faster. There is a strong correlation between improved cognitive function and social interaction. When you are part of a social group, you are likely to engage in conversations and activities that strengthen your mind and keep it sharp.2

Higher Quality Sleep

Obtaining the proper sleep each night is vital to mental and physical health. When you get adequate sleep, your body is able to restore itself. Sleep also helps support the function of your immune system, hormones, and cardiovascular system.

Retirees often suffer from more sleep problems due to illness, stress, or medication side effects. Being active socially helps alleviate stress and may allow you to get the proper amount of restorative sleep each night. Improved rest may also lead to more energy during the day to enable you to accomplish more of your goals.2

Better Physical Health

A strong body and physical health are essential to leading a long and fulfilling life. When you are in a social group, you are more likely to engage in physical activity, which may help improve your overall physical health. Additionally, social wellness has been linked to improved cardiovascular functioning and a healthy endocrine system. Regular social interaction has also been linked to higher levels of immunoglobulin A, which helps fight off respiratory infections.2

Social wellness provides retirees with many physical and mental benefits which allow them to enjoy a happier and healthier retirement.





Important Disclosures

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

All information is believed to be from reliable sources; however LPL Financial makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy.

This article was prepared by WriterAccess.

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1Social Wellness for Seniors, Senior Services of America, https://www.seniorservicesofamerica.com/blog/social-wellness-in-seniors#:~:text=Research%20shows%20that%20strong%20social,system%20and%20healthier%20cardiovascular%20functioning.

2 5 Benefits of Social Engagement for Seniors, Meridian Senior Living, https://www.meridiansenior.com/blog/five-benefits-of-social-engagement-for-seniors